Webinar: Resilience building for people with dementia and carers: Addressing the challenges of the “new normal”


Resilience building for people with dementia and carers: Addressing the challenges of the “new normal”

This free zoom webinar was hosted by Engaging Dementia on Tuesday 16th June, 2020. There were more than 250 attendees. The webinar explored the challenges that people with dementia and carers are currently facing, and offered insights into the realities of living in the “new normal”, together with practical advice and guidance for resilience building.

Mary McGrath gave a powerpoint presentation at the webinar. Click here to see her powerpoint.

Prof Kate Irving wrote a brief personal guide, based on her presentation. Click here to read it.

Click here to see a full recording of the webinar.



  • Prof Steven Sabat, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Georgetown University. ‘Locus of Control (Internal vs. External) and its Relevance to Resilience in the Face of the Pandemic’.
  • Jacinta Dixon, a person living with dementia and member of the Irish Dementia Working Group, in conversation with Clodagh Whelan, Advocacy Engagement & Participation Officer, The Alzheimer Society of Ireland.
  • Prof Kate Irving, School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health, Dublin City University. ‘Manufacturing control when all seems out of control: a personal perspective on a caring journey’
  • Mary McGrath, Advanced Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapist, Memory Clinic, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. ‘Keeping in time with time: How to protect our sense of time and our recent memories during COVID19’.
  • Nisha Joy, Person in Charge, Carebright Community, Bruff, Co Limerick. ‘Carebright Community: Our experience since March and planning for the coming year’.


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