Lift Up Their Hearts: Visiting Older People


A practical resource written for the benefit of those visiting older people in nursing homes, or visiting those housebound in their homes on a long-term basis. Part One is for general use; Part Two is for those for whom spirituality is particularly valued – Mary Threadgold RSC



Sr. Mary Threadgold describes her new booklet in her own words:

“As a teenager in the 1950’s I must have been unconsciously influenced by a family member who regularly visited older people in long stay hospitals and care homes. I remember joining that volunteer on two occasions and these visits must have sown the seed for what became the Sonas Programme in 1990. Thirty three years later, Sonas is still offered by Engaging Dementia as one of its training courses.

Those visits also became the seed for the recently published booklet “Lift Up Their Hearts – Visiting Older People”.  This is a practical booklet which I wrote for the benefit of those committed to visiting older people on a regular basis, either in nursing homes or their own homes, whether they are family, friends or volunteers. The main part of the booklet is focused on companionship and befriending in the general population while the final section is relevant to those with an interest in spirituality and religious practice.

The booklet acts as a guide and resource to the visitor to help make visits more meaningful, enjoyable and uplifting for all concerned, including those who are living with dementia or approaching the end of life.”

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