Activities Audits

Activities Audits

How person-centred and effective are activities in your care centre?

Find out with our 1-day Activities Audit Service. Go further, with an Action Planning Day and be supported to develop your own Action Plan that builds on your centre’s strengths and addresses any gaps.

Day 1 of the Activities Audit

  • Assesses a care centre’s activity provision against the National Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland
  • Reviews how dementia-friendly the physical and social care environments are
  • Reviews how care planning tools are used to support meaningful individualised activities for all residents

On completion Day 1 of the Activities Audit, the care centre is provided with

  • A comprehensive Activities Audit Report, with a detailed set of findings and recommendations that highlight strengths and areas for improvement

Day 2 of the Activities Audit

Day 2 of the audit is an Action Planning Day which facilitates staff to develop their own Action Plan based on the findings of the audit. The Engaging Dementia facilitator delivers a practice-development based workshop with a cross section of nursing home staff that results in a structured, time-lined Activities Action Plan.

For further information on our Activities Audit service, call our training team at 01 260 8138.

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