In-House Dementia Training

In-House Dementia Training

Engaging Dementia offers a range of in-house dementia training services

The Sonas Course and Sonas License Renewal Day

If you wish to train 15 staff in the use of the Sonas Programme, the in-house Sonas Course may be the most cost effective option for you.

The Sonas Programme is an evidence based, therapeutic activity for people with moderate to severe dementia. The 3-day Sonas Course takes place over a four month period and involves work-based learning .

For more information on Sonas training, certification or research click here.

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Workshop (1 day)

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) is a therapeutic activity for people who have mild to moderate dementia. This one day CST Workshop is delivered by a psychologist who is certified to deliver CST training.

For more information on CST and the workshop, click here

Montessori Based Activity Programming (MBAP) Workshop

The Montessori Based Activity Programming (MBAP) model at the centre of this workshop is an evidence-based non-pharmacological intervention for developing person-centred, effective, individualised activities with people with dementia.

The 1-day MBAP Workshop is delivered by a senior registered nurse who has completed extensive training with Dr Cameron Camp, the psychologist who devised the MBAP model, in addition to her own clinical and academic training, and has extensive experience of training, mentoring and supporting healthcare professionals and caregivers in the use of person centred care philosophy and approaches.

For more information on MBAP and the workshop, click here

Paul the other trainings that we offer here exist in our Training section however this one doesn’t as we no longer offer it as a normal training. This link will click through to a new page that has more detailed info on the course but access to the page won’t be from anywhere else than here (i.e. won’t be in the main navigation or in the training section). The text for this page is at the bottom of this document.

Dementia training workshops

We provide dementia training workshops tailored to the needs of your care centre

Areas that can be covered at workshops include:

  1. Understanding Dementia
  2. Person centred dementia care
  3. Responsive behaviours
  4. Activities and life stories
  5. Palliative care for people with dementia

These workshops are delivered by a senior nurse who has significant dementia expertise and training experience.

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