Activities Bundle for Carers & Activity Coordinators: Series 2




This bundle includes 4 books:

  • A Different Visit: Activities for Caregivers and their Loved Ones with memory Impairments – Gives you ideas that will allow you to recapture the enjoyment of visiting with your loved one. Inside are activities designed to stimulate conversation and interaction and provide support to make each visit more enjoyable than the last.
  • End of Life Care for People with Dementia – People with dementia need increasingly specialised support as they approach the end of life, and so too do their families and the professionals working with them. This book describes not only what can be done to ensure maximum quality of life for those in the final stages of the illness, but also how best to support those involved in caring for them.
  • Sensory Modulation in Dementia Care – Understand and assess the sensory needs of people with dementia, and learn how to implement sensory modulation-based approaches for enriched care. It includes a range of sensory-based activities which can be carried out with people at all stages of dementia, both with individuals and in groups. The book also provides recommendations for modifying physical environments to make care settings sensory-enriched.


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